Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Homemade Paint

Hello everyone, 

     I don't know about your kids but mine loves to paint!!! She is not one to get her hands messy so traditional finger paint just wont do. Considering how quickly we go through it, the prices for paint at the store are just outrageous. I have searched a long time for a paint that was first safe for my daughter if for some reason she ate it.. Hey, you never know what these crazy kids will do! Secondly, I wanted something that looked good but wasn't clumpy on the paper.

     I have been through many different paint recipes (flour and water, yogurt and food coloring, shaving cream etc...) you name it and we have probably tried it.  After all the trials this is the one I have come to love. 

Homemade paint for kids

*2 Tbsp Cornstarch+1 cup cold water
*1 cup boiling water 

First mix together the cornstarch with the cold water until it all dissolves. Add the cornstarch mix to the 1 cup of boiling water and mix until thickened.

(This is what the mixture will look like)

 That's it! You can then separate the mixture into bowls to add food coloring or let cool and pour into a mason jar for later use. I find that a mini muffin tin is the best to put the paint in for the kids to use.

***It saves well so you can make a large batch, pour it in a mason jar and then just dye different colors when ever your little on wants to get creative. You will need to shake it up really good before using after it has sat for awhile, it will gel a little bit. 

Paint your hearts out! <3 I hope your kids love it as much as Kadence does! 

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