Thursday, July 18, 2013

Laundry galore! Will it ever end.

So today as I am up to my eye balls in laundry I figured what better way to get me more motivated to do it then to post about it and give some of my laundry tips! I am not the best at keeping up with my laundry. I don't like doing it, never have, and probably never will, sigh! Maybe implementing naked Saturdays would help haha jk. Enough of my poor me I hate laundry, on with the tips! :)

*** To start I make my own laundry detergent, Wow what a money saver! I spend around $20 on the ingredients and it last me about 8-9 months give or take. I find that it cleans our clothes just as well as anything else it just doesn't have that laundry sent. Our clothes are clean and smell fresh but don't smell like lilac or mountain fresh or whatever other concoctions they have out there, but hey they are clean and that's good enough for me (I do add softener for sent).  Here is the recipe if you are interest in trying it. Its been great but I think when I run out I will experiment with my own recipe ( I no longer want to use the Oxy clean, im finding its not so great for whites).

When I come up with my own recipe I will do an updated laundry post :)

**My husband is currently working at a job where he has to wear white shirts everyday. After about a month of him working there and washing his shirts with just bleach I found they were getting dingy looking. This is the recipe I use for our whites! It still doesn't work as well as I would like but it has improved the whiteness greatly :)

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