Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Fun day!

Happy Sunday,
                        I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Today I am feeling a little under the weather; I cant seem to beat this head cold but I wont let it get me down. I love making the weekends feel important. As a stay at home mom with my husband going to school full time and working even on the weekends it is very easy to get in to a rut, sometimes my days just all run together. After being in a rut for quite sometime (like since I moved to Cali) I realized that I needed to have a day to make important. Sundays are that day for me. Growing up it was always the day that my whole family would get together, go to church, go out to eat lunch, and then spend the rest of the day relaxing at the beach or home. I loved this and would love to do the same for my family. 

     One of the things I miss the most about living in NC is that special Sunday every week. I know if I was there I would be going to Church with my mom and Kadence would get to spend the rest of the day spending time with her Grandma(my mom) and playing with her cousins. I must say, I am quite jealous of my sister when it comes to how close her kids are to my mom. They see her at least once a week if not more and I wish Kadence was able to do the same. I truly miss the Southern way of life. I feel like most people out here just keep to themselves. Anyways I kind of got off on a tangent, lol! To make our Sundays important now I like to wake up and cook my husband and daughter a big homemade from scratch breakfast; Chad normally has to be to work by noon, but just because it just me and the baby the rest of the day doesn't mean I don't want to still make it special for her. Today we are going to go to the local lake to feed the ducks, play at the park and have a picnic lunch. I truly believe it is the little things in life, and quality time with the ones you love is one of the things that just makes my heart happy. Does your family have a "Family day?" If so, what are some of the things your family loves doing together?                    

 Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

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